New Member Secures Big Sponsor!

I know there is always a hesitation to ask for donations of products or services, even harder to ask for big bucks to sponsor our events. But if we are to succeed we need to overcome this fear and go for it. Dave George did just that by recognizing that as a valued customer of his local car dealer he had the opportunity to make such a request of John Stewart, owner of 4 major dealerships in the area. Dave secured an appointment with the big boss and called for back up which I was more than happy to provide. Although I thought I was fully prepared, I had not brought a key document describing the deal with me. It was me that fumbled about and finally call Jef at Oldies 96.7 to e-mail another. Finally with the document on his desk John committed to the $1,500 price tag. To celebrate, I rushed out to my Jeep to get the Smucker’s Blueberry Pie I had prepared on the weekend, cutting three pieces for us and ensured the rest of the pie went to other staff at the dealership. Thanks Dave for taking the chance and getting the sponsor!