This cart shows how my earlier pace wasn’t good enough to reach my target and only after 2 weeks could I push through and get on track for 800,000 steps. The better news is that I am now consistently beating that daily target and staying above the To-date target.
Perhaps, before I get into the “why”, I’ll give the numbers and explain “how” . For those that know me, know I like numbers because they can tell the story. And when you have lots of numbers, you need excel to put them into tables and charts so the story is clear to even those that don’t like numbers.
As you can by the comments with the chart, this pace of walking was not as easy to achieve as some would think. These numbers do include my morning walk with my wife and the dogs (3- 4,000) steps) then another mindful walk (3-6,000 steps) later in the day. I have taken out the steps incurred for daily living and the “Honey-dew List” to be fairly represent what I am trying to achieve. I mentioned “mindful” as this is a very important part to be able to achieve the second walk without pain or injury. Let me explain.
My Parkinson’s is primarily on my left side so my left leg and foot can become uncooperative and will need special attention to keep moving. In order to keep walking, I depend on my upper body strength through my Nordix walking sticks to compensate and give a good push forward when the leg fails to respond. At the same time, dyskinesia may cause my left foot to twist inward and not land properly which could cause a fall (see some previous blogs!). So with “mindfulness”, I am constantly rethinking each step to create the mental image of the perfect step, in the same way an athlete would do, therefore reducing pain, preventing injury and enabling walking further.
Just two more charts showing Steps Taken and Donations received to-date. Any donation would be greatly appreciated. You could even do a small donation at my milestones and I believe the tax receipts will be e-mailed some time close to SuperWalk.